Social Security’s COLA Projection for 2024

by Warren Seah

Social Security’s COLA projection for 2024

Social Security recipients may receive a modest 3% boost in 2024, following a significant 8.7% increase in 2023. The calculation is based on the latest consumer-price data released in June, indicating a gradual cooling of inflation in the United States.

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According to TRM Labs, criminals have now turned to alternative cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies for their online financing. These illicit activities have become increasingly prevalent within a vast and sophisticated global network.

Preparing for the future: A personal perspective

As a 52-year-old individual without any children and a mere $190,000 in 401(k) assets, it is natural to contemplate one’s future. The fear of growing old alone and being forgotten is something many individuals can relate to. It is crucial to confront these concerns head-on and make long-term plans that align with your desired lifestyle and potential health needs, regardless of your marital status or family size.

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More Retirement News

Get insights into the retirement landscape by learning how much you need to retire among the top 10% of Americans. Track your progress and stay informed. (Yahoo Finance)

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